Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day

Abby woke up to a trail of hearts leading to her "goodies" this morning. She is still not feeling well, but wanted to go to school. She ended up coming home at 8:20 with fever and Daniel brought her back for the party at 1:50. (Benefit of being the teacher's child I guess.) She had fun at the party and made her own ice cream sundae and ate cupcakes (with icing! She finally decided she likes icing after almost 6 years of scraping it off!!) You can tell in the group pic that she's not feeling up to par... When we got home we had a heart shaped pizza from Dominos and watched a little Hannah Montana. She is still not feeling well, we were up all night dry heaving until she finally threw up a little around 3:30, but she's still watching Hannah!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Abby's speech

Abby will be participating in Lads to Leaders again this year. This is her 4th year speaking and she is only 5 years old! The first year (1year old) she quoted 3 different verses. The second year (2) she quoted 3 more verses. The third year (3) she quoted the 23 Psalm. The fourth year (4) she quoted the Beattitudes. This year she is doing a speech about Jesus and His love. I am so proud of her. She loves saying her speech to the ladies in different congregations in the area. She will go to several different congregations before convention.

(I tried and tried to rotate the video so it would show correctly, but no luck. Enjoy the crick in your neck! :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Monday, February 4, 2008

I miss Daniel

Daniel is at the Freed lectures this week and I miss him. Here is a happy picture to show how I would feel if he were here. But he's not so I'm sad. Sniff, sniff. I miss Daniel.

Hannah Montana movie/concert

We took Abby to see the Hannah Montana movie. Needless to say, there was already a line a quarter of a mile long an hour before the movie started. We joined the masses in the line and happily awaited the moment of glory as the doors opened to the greatest show in teenie bopper history (or in our case kindergarten bopper)... Abby was thrilled the entire time. She vacated her seat immediately to sit between Dan and me (the arm rests lift up at the RAVE). She sang every song and by the end of the movie was dancing in the aisle (stadium seating, so it didn't affect anyone's view) and reaching for Hannah! She was so sweet! At the very end of the movie confetti exploded in 3D into the audience and Abby was jumping and grabbing for the nonexistent confetti. She was a joy to watch and it was worth every penny to see how much fun she had. All in all it was a great family night!! :) I relish every moment with her and how she LOVES to be with her family. I know that all too soon we will be replaced with friends and (gasp) boys (my tummy just did a flip) so I soak up all of the hugs and "hold me's" that I can!