Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day

Abby woke up to a trail of hearts leading to her "goodies" this morning. She is still not feeling well, but wanted to go to school. She ended up coming home at 8:20 with fever and Daniel brought her back for the party at 1:50. (Benefit of being the teacher's child I guess.) She had fun at the party and made her own ice cream sundae and ate cupcakes (with icing! She finally decided she likes icing after almost 6 years of scraping it off!!) You can tell in the group pic that she's not feeling up to par... When we got home we had a heart shaped pizza from Dominos and watched a little Hannah Montana. She is still not feeling well, we were up all night dry heaving until she finally threw up a little around 3:30, but she's still watching Hannah!!

1 comment:

Sac said...

i love this blog! i can keep up with you this way! put some more out here - i'm waiting! love you!!